IDEA Indicators
Photo by Katie Cooper
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to submit a State Performance Plan (SPP) and to annually report data on the status toward meeting the targets on the indicators contained in this plan. This report of status is called the Annual Performance Report (APR) and is submitted on or around February first of each year. To determine Kentucky's status toward achieving these goals the Office of Special Education and Early Learning (OSEEL) collects data from local school districts, parents, and other sources. These data are reviewed, interpreted, and reported in the APR. The APR contains information about how the state performed for each of the indicators and explanations for meeting or not meeting targets as well as continued activities for maintaining or improving performance.
Part B SPP
1. Graduation. % of youth with IEPs graduating with regular diploma
2. Drop Out.% of youth with IEPs dropping out.
3. Assessment. (A) Reserved,(B) Participation for children with IEPs, (C) Proficiency for children with IEPs.
4. Suspension/Expulsion. (A)% of districts with significant discrepancy, (B)% of districts with significant discrepancy by race/ethnicity.
5. Education Environments (Children6-21). % of children ages 6-21 with IEPs served
(A) Inside regular class 80% or more of day, (B) Inside regular class less than 40% of day, (C) In separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements.
6. Preschool Environments. % of children ages 3-5 with IEPs (A) Receiving majority
of special education and related services in regular early childhood program,
(B) Attending separate special education class, separate school, or residential facility.
7. Preschool Outcomes. % of preschool children ages 3-5 with IEPs with improved
(A) Positive social-emotional skills, (B) Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, (C) Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
8. Parent Involvement. % of parents who report that the school facilitated parent involvement.
9. Disproportionate Representation. % of districts with disproportionate representation of racial/ethnic groups due to inappropriate identification.
10. Disproportionate Representation in Specific Disability Categories. % of districts with disproportionate representation of racial/ethnic groups in specific disability categories due to inappropriate identification.
11. Child Find. % of children evaluated within 60 days of parental consent or state timeframe.
12. Early Childhood Transition. % of children found Part B eligible with IEP implemented by 3rd birthday.
13. Secondary Transition. % of youth ages 16+ with measurable, annually updated IEP goals & appropriate transition assessment, services, and courses.
14. Post-School Outcomes. % of youth with IEPs, no longer in school, (A) Enrolled in higher education, (B) Enrolled in higher education or competitively employed, (C) Enrolled in higher education, other postsecondary education, or training program or competitively employed or in some other employment, within one year of leaving high school.
15. Resolution Sessions. % of hearing requests resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.
16. Mediation. % of mediations held resulting in mediation agreements.
17. State Systemic Improvement Plan. SPP/APR includes comprehensive, ambitious, achievable, multi-year SSIP, with Phase I analysis, Phase II plan, Phase III implementation and evaluation, with stakeholder engagement in all phases, for improving results for children with disabilities.