Shortened School Day Guidance

Shortened School Day: 

According to Kentucky Revised Statute KRS 159.030, Section 2(a),“Before granting an exemption under subsection (1)(d) of this section, the board of education of the district in which the child resides shall require submission to the board of satisfactory evidence in the form of a signed statement of a properly licensed physician….” Also, section 1(d) of this same statute refers to students, “Whose physical or mental condition prevents or renders inadvisable attendance at school.” Therefore, a signed statement is required for students who fall under the category of KRS 159.030, Section 1(d).The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) 2023 Legislative Guidance- Non-Emergency Bills (HB 241) provides an overview of who can provide medical statements.


Additionally, the guidance states, “In accordance with 707 KAR 1:350, placement decisions for students with disabilities are made by the admissions and release committee (ARC) in conformity with the least restrictive environment provisions. Statements from physicians or qualified mental health professionals may be used as evidence when making placement determinations but are not binding on the ARC.” ARC decisions regarding shortened school days and/or weeks are individualized and based on student needs. The decision is made at the local level and submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education for notification purposes.


The district must maintain the following documentation for all shortened school days and/or weeks approved by the Local Board of Education:

·       Approval by the Local Board of Education (student confidentiality procedures must be followed when listing student information in the Local Board Minutes.

·       Minutes of the ARC meeting documenting the ARC decision that a shortened school day is needed; and

·       A copy of the student’s IEP documenting the shortened school day.